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Your trusted partner in holistic livestock healthcare

With over 3 decades of expertise, Natural Remedies is an industry leader in the natural animal healthcare sector. Combining the best of traditional knowledge and modern science, we deliver scientifically validated, effective, safe, and consistent animal & human healthcare products.

The journey of Natural Remedies commenced when Mr. Ramlal Agarwal, a renowned expert in identifying and collecting herbs along with his fascination for Ayurveda was inspired to research on how herbs could be used to help in treating animals.

Expanding on what the patriarch had founded as a fledgling unit, his son Mr. R.K. Agarwal established a small-scale R&D facility in Bangalore 20 years later. This small unit in 1998 was rebranded as Natural Remedies by the father and Mr. Anurag Agarwal, his son.

Mr. Anurag Agarwal took over the reins of the business and rose to the challenges of this nascent industry by creating a bigger and better research and development facility, a state of the manufacturing unit and an established presence in 30 plus countries.

In 2000, as a natural extension, the company introduced the herbal range of products for human healthcare.

Your trusted partner

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Our Journey

Renamed as NaturalRemedies 1998 Poultry business launched 2006 Introduced a new & advanced range of products under pet care 2019 2000 Diversified into the humanhealthcare segment 2023 Commenced production plant at Indore 2010 Emerged as a leading healthcare company in India 1996 Expanded to a state-of-the-art R&D center in bangalore 1950 Company was founded by Shri. Ramlal Agarwal

Company was founded by
Shri. Ramlal Agarwal

Expanded to a state-of-the-art
R&D Center in Bangalore


Renamed as Natural

Diversified into the human
healthcare segment


Poultry business

Emerged as a leading healthcare
company in India


Introduced a new & advanced range
of products under pet care

Commenced production plant
at Indore


Our Values

The core values of our company stand on four main pillars: Winning and growing together, contributing to the community thus being useful, valuing people and their experience and doing the right thing by being ethical and remaining resolute in our beliefs.

Board of Members

Mr. R.K. Agarwal

Mr. R.K. Agarwal


Mr. R.K. Agarwal started his career in his early teens. His passion for understanding the benefits of herbs for animals and humans resulted in Natural Remedies.
An attitude of “never give up” and remain positive in all circumstances has helped him to steer his life and the organization to greater success.
A nature lover, he believes nature has provided everything that a human needs to live happily. Living life based on the principles of nature and being useful to everyone is his mantra of living a joyful and fulfilling life.
At the age of 84, his energy and enthusiasm is an inspiration to the entire organization. Simplicity and humbleness are his traits that are admired by one and all.
As an office-bearer of various important associations, Mr. R K Agarwal has been a visionary and a spokesperson for the herbal industry.

Anurag Agarwal

Anurag Agarwal

Managing Director

Successfully managing Natural Remedies, taking over the reins of the family business, he has been an ace strategist, building major brands both in India and in emerging markets. An all-rounder with skills across sales, marketing, brand management, alliances, and acquisitions, is also credited in successfully creating a leadership pipeline.
In the past five years of leading Natural Remedies, he has ensured the company grows and evolves into one of India’s leading healthcare companies not only in India but, the world over. Anurag believes in the adage, “Collaboration and Winning Together” will lead Natural Remedies to greater success.
Emphasizing on “Harnessing Nature and Applying Science for Health and Happiness,” the bedrock on which Natural Remedies has been built, he is a voracious reader and mentors many inside the organization and outside too. Being Human is far more important in the journey called life and he treats everyone with respect be it his employees, customers, or his partners.

Dr. Amit Agarwal

Dr. Amit Agarwal


Dr. Amit Agarwal has served as the Head of R&D for more than 20 years. He later took up the role of Head - Human health products division and now serves as the Director and advises the company on various regulatory aspects.
He obtained his master’s degree in Pharmacology from University of Strathclyde, UK and holds a Ph.D in Pharmacology. He has published about 110 research papers, in various peer reviewed, national & international journals. Over and above these, he has 94 abstracts in various proceedings and has contributed to 15 books so far. He has 14 patents granted to his credit till date.
He is a member of the Herbal Products and Crude Drugs Committee of the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, DBT task force on medicinal plants, member of Project Screening Committee of National Medicinal Plants Board, member of the expert panel of United States Pharmacopoeia and serves in many Government departments as a resource person.

Ayush Agarwal

Ayush Agarwal


Ayush holds a Bachelors’ degree from Christ College, Bengaluru, and MBA from the Cardiff University. A young and dynamic person, Ayush brings in new ideas and innovations. He is a natural entrepreneur, a business leader, and a strategic thinker.
Since 2017, Ayush has been instrumental in successfully developing the new pet division at NRPL where he holds the position of Business Head of the Pet Division.

Building Sustainable Livelihoods

Natural Remedies is committed to ‘Giving Back to Society’. This is reflected in all our initiatives that we undertake. By the very aim of giving back to society, we help in improving the quality of life of the communities we serve. We aim to facilitate livelihood opportunities & socio-cultural development where we are present.

Our current CSR activities include:

Mr Sivaiah

Commitment to sustainability

‘Responsible management of natural resources has been a part of the way we do business since our inception. We have always sought to operate our co...

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Mr Sivaiah

Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”

We always strive to give back to the community and support people who do remarkable work for society. This time we partnered with Diya Ghar – an NG...

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Mr Sivaiah

Training and capacity building of tribal communities for better livelihood

There are countless tribes across our country who are in need of intervention. To help the tribal and forest dweller communities, we directly reached...

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Mr Sivaiah

Championing rural girls and women’s education

We believe youth empowerment is imperative for the flourishing future of our nation. That is why we keep on taking various initiatives for children's...

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To know more about our CSR initiatives   Click here

Awards & Recognitions

Natural Remedies is proud to have been recognized as a global leader across the Animal and human healthcare industries. We are known for our brand value and our reputation within and across the industries in which we operate. Even more is our management and leadership team who have often been acknowledged by leading publications, professionals, and government organizations worldwide.

Award 2024

Product Innovation of the Year

Business Innivation Award

Green Company Award

Green Company Award

Best Heath Care Award

Best Heath Care Award

Company In Focus 2021

Company In Focus 2021

Happy place to work

Happiest Place to Work


Great place to work Institute

Best in Healthcare brands

Economics Times

Best Asian Healthcare Brands 2017

Economics Times

Company with great Managers Award

Times of India

Healthcare Leadership Award 2017- Best Quality Initiative

ABP News

Healthcare Leadership Award 2017- Best HR practices

ABP News

Upcoming Research based Phytoceuticalscompany, Nutrition and Wellness Award

CIMS Medica

Supply Chain Operational Excellence Award

ET Now

Best Corporate Identity makeover

ABP News

Outstanding achievement to support social cause

ABP News


United States Pharmacopeia

The Economic Times