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Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”

We always strive to give back to the community and support people who do remarkable work for society. This time we partnered with Diya Ghar – an NGO that works towards the development of children from migrant communities. 109 of our employees participated in this week-long initiative called the “Joy of Giving Week”. This was planned and managed by 24 volunteers from across our organization.

We received donations in the form of clothes, footwear, toys, stationery, and some monetary donations as well. All the donations (except monetary) received were sanitized keeping in mind the safety precautions and the same was donated to the children of the Muneshwara Nagar community. Our volunteers also visited the community and spent time with the children and Diya Ghar staff to understand the support being provided to the community.

Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”
Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”