Kamdhenu Post Calving Recovery Solution For Cattles

Kamdhenu ᵀᴹ

KAMDHENU ᵀᴹ is a post-calving feed supplement that facilitates quick recovery in after calving. It is a perfect blend of metabolic modulators, phytochemical extracts, and feed palatability enhancers, that offers a holistic approach to post-calving care.

Challenges Animals Face

Cows & buffaloes face several difficulties after calving, such as off-feed inactiveness, delayed onset of lactation and overall decrease in productivity. These issues often delay their recovery after calving.

Additionally, post calving stress and endurance can also hinder their productivity. It can reduce their appetite and affect their immune system and make them more prone to disease. Kamdhenu is the perfect solution, which aids in quick recovery after calving.


  • Post-calving solution for stress and endurance
  • Helps in quick recovery after calving

Available in

  • Liquid 1 Kg

Target Species

  • Cattle


  • Buffalo


Frequently Asked Questions

After calving, animals typically experience reduced feed intake and require time to return to their normal state. Administering Kamdhenu after calving supports a quicker return to normal feed intake. The animal becomes more active and alert, milk production resumes promptly, and overall health and optimal production are achieved.

Yes, Kamdhenu can be given to buffaloes.

For the best results, Kamdhenu should be administered immediately after calving. The sooner it is given, the greater the benefits to the animal.

No, we have not encountered any drenching issues with Kamdhenu.

Kamdhenu is available in 1 kg packs, designed for single-animal use to ensure the correct amount is provided after calving.

Kamdhenu is a user- friendly solution for rapid post-calving recovery. It can be administered directly, mixed with feed, or drenched.

Administer 500 g of Kamdhenu immediately after calving, followed by 250 g on each of the next two days.

Kamdhenu is available in a 1 kg pack.

Kamadhenu (Sanskrit) is a divine – bovine goddess described in Hinduism as Gou Mata, the mother of all cows who fulfils the wishes of its owner. We have coined the name “Kamdhenu” as this offering is a comprehensive solution for post calving recovery and thereby assured production and reproduction. That means after offering Brand Kamdhenu the farmer’s wish (like quick start of lactation, etc.) will be fulfilled.

Kamdhenu is available in suspension form.

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