Gluca Boost for Animals

Gluca-boost ®

Gluca-boost ® liquid is a powerful cattle feed supplement that offers instant, sustained & dietary energy to dairy animals and improves post-calving health and production. It helps in higher lactation yield and supports in maintaining normal glucose levels. This dairy cattle feed supplement helps to prevent negative energy balance in animals.

Gluca-boost ® is enriched with eugenol, which helps in extraction of energy from the feed. This increases rumen VFAs, optimizes milk production, and leads to higher lactation yields. It also contributes to the environment by increasing VFA production.

Challenges Animals Face with the Disease

Generally, after calving, dairy animals face multiple problems due to low energy levels. The increased energy demand for milk production & reduced feed intake will leads to increased risk of metabolic disorders like ketosis, and many more challenges. These negative energy balance and various types of stress further impact the health and productivity of animals.

At such times, all they need is glucose to replenish their energy and bounce back.  Hence, providing an instant & sustained source of glucose supplement can help them to recover and maintain their overall health.

Available in

  • 600 ml
  • 1 ltr

Target Species

  • Cattle


  • Buffalo


  • Sheep


  • Goat


Frequently Asked Questions

Gluca-boost ® is a cattle feed supplement that provides instant, sustained and dietary energy to dairy animals through rapid absorption and utilization of its components.

The benefits of Gluca-boost ® include energizing cattle, supporting normal glucose levels, and optimizing overall performance.

Gluca-boost ®, the ruminant energy booster, is used for dairy animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats.

Administer Gluca-boost ® orally for 3-5 days. Provide 200 ml to cattle & buffalo and 20-30 ml to goat and sheep.

Yes, Gluca-boost ® helps in increasing cattle productivity by providing instant, sustained & dietary energy and supporting overall health.

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